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Learn How To Point Your Dish To AFN Network On Eutelsat 9A/9B At 9.0E
Hi guys, I’m gonna share with you simple trick to install AFN Network Channels or package on Eutelsat 9A at 9e Using 80cm dish above without any much stress, If you love to watch movies, Live Wrestling, Uefa Champions League, MLB, Ice Cricket, MLS, Tennis (US Open), Golf(US Open), NBA and many more. AFN Sport Network is best choice for you.

About AFN Network
AFN Network simply means (American Forces Network) owned by US Armed Forces, It is television and radio services for news updates, entertainment, sport and information to the service members, Civilians, Department of defense, Navy army at sea and their families at overseas. It otherwise known as Armed Forces Network.
Armed Forces Network make explore PowerVU encryption program to encrypt their content from unauthorized viewer. To watch AFN Channels in United State and UK you have to have their official receiver while other countries make use of Autorole PowerVU receiver to watch in spite the fact that Armed Force Network keep fighting piracy with series of upgrade to keep their contents safe from unofficial viewers.
AFN Network Satellite, Position, Frequency, Polarization And Symbol Rate
Armed Forces Network (AFN) operates in different satellite covers almost everywhere in the world, all what you need to get the signal is to locate the satellite that near to your country or have full signal coverage to your country below are the Satellite, Position, Frequency, Polarization and Symbol Rate owned by AFN Network

Before I move to the interesting section which is how to install your dish to Eutelsat 9A/9B At 9E and get the channels open you must get the following ready:
- Satellite tv dish (size) as required by the satellite you wish to install with their corresponding LNB but, Nigerian can use 1m dish with KU LNB cover peel off.
- Autorole PowerVU Receiver Like Tiger T3000 Extra or Tiger T3000 Mega
- Signal Finder or Satfinder

How To Track or Install AFN Network On Eutelsat 9A/9B At 9e
- Firstly, If you are a beginner you are advice to learn on how to install satellite tv dish
- Connect Your dish to Signal finder or Satfinder
- Track Peace TV on Eutelsat 7A At 7e on frequency 12605 V 30000 (LNB at 3 O’clock).
- Tight your dish base and inclination a little bit after hitting signal at the top signal quality
- Then, twist your LNB and place at 10 O’Clock don’t forget to remove the plastic cover on your LNB.
- Manually enter AFN Network Frequency on 11804 H 27500
- Drop your dish a little bit down and keep your eyes on the signal finder or Satfinder to get signal point
- After you get signal, Tight your dish base and as well as the inclination without lost signal and some time you may need to twist your LNB to get high signal quality.
- Manually scan or preferably use blindscan to get access to AFN Network and other channels on Eutelsat 9A/9B at 9e.
- After Successful scanning, Press exist button to return to home screen and enjoying your favorite tv show.
In short, AFN is owned by Armed Forces Network purposely to give information about United State Armed Force to the Service Members, Civilians, Navy at Sea and the families of the Oversea.
AFN Network is good for sport lovers with wide coverage on MLS, MLB, UEFA Champions League, US Open Competitions for Golf and Tennis, Ice Cricket, NBA, Live Wrestling e.t.c.
If you are from Nigeria and you have interest to install your dish to AFN Network on Eutelsat 9A/9B at 9e, just follow the steps above and you will definitely get it installed, If you face ny difficult don’t forget to leave your comment below
Am in Yaoundé Cameroon can I use 1m to receive the satellite at 9e too?
Yes brother you can try it
Which part of Nigeria can 9e be receivable with 1m dish sir? I needed to be sure cuz the last time in the North West Region I tried with 1m and never succeeded. Now am in Yaoundé.
Only when you try it and see the result by yourself and try to follow the steps above
Is this footprint for this satellite available in Zambia, Southern Africa?
Yes brother I have many friends using Eutelsat 9A at 9e Satellite in zambia, though you need autorole powerVU receiver to opening the channels flawlessly
Ok thanks and those in Zambia are using a how many meter dish to nail Eutelsat 9A @ 9e
most of zambian used 2.4m dish
Have you confirmed the size of the dish Cameroon can use to track eutelsat 9b@9e sir?
Also help confirm the sizes of dishes to be used in tracking the satellites I wish to list unto you Badr7 @26e beoutQ sports package,Hotbird 13e,Hipasat@13w,Amos 4w,Asiasat @105.5e and canal reunion @16e. I will be impatiently waiting for your reply Sir.
my brother, first try it with 1m dish if no success, you can try bigger dish then
Please can you show me the picture in which you say before tracking 9e let’s remove the lnb cover because I don’t know how.
check the picture attached on this post you will see that the LNB cover is removed
Admin thanks taken note
You welcome bro
Thanks sir with this useful information but I have Qsat in Lagos. Will it work?
No sir, you need to purchase latest autorole PowerVU receiver like T245+ lazer to enjoying AFN fully
Please am in Ghana and can i use the 1 meter dish to track AFN on 9e
No Active frequency on this satellite
I have a viewsat decoder and I’ve searched everywhere for the software upgrade but couldn’t find it. I was later informed that the company is now out of business. Please what can I do?
This viewsat decoder has become outdated decoder
Hi bro is AFN still working with 1m dish
Yes but no decoder currently opening it
Pingback: Satellite TV Updates On Beout Sport, AFN, Sony & IPTV -
I am in Liberia can I get AFN?
yes, but the channels is currently off
Is AFN still in 9E I want to track it house please ?
Yes it still available, but the problem is no decoder is currently opening AFN
Iam in Tanzania can I get AFN?
sure you can get it
Caro adm, no que diz respeito a receptor de sinal via satélite sou iniciante. Tenho um receptor GT Media V9 Super mas infelizmente não consigo pôr a funcionar. Por outra quais os satélites que posso usar em Angola (África) para melhor sintonizar os canais. Já comprei e inseri linhas cccam e nada. Será que me podes ajudar.
Speak English or translate to english for better communication so that I can assist you further
Good day, pls can track AFN with qsat decoder in nigeria?
Yes but Qsat decoder can’t opening AFN
i can track AFN 9e degree with Hellobox 8
Yes but Hellobox 8 can’t opening it
Can tiger T8 HD ULTRA open AFN networks on eutelsat 9a @ 9E
Yes it can open it
Thank you sir, Am in Yola Adamawa state I’ll try it with 1metre dish
Can tiger t3000 extra & t8 ultra open powervu AFN on koreasat 5 @ 113w? I’m in North Celebes Indonesia near Philippines. Thanks
Yes perfectly but you must have active Forever Server on your satellite receiver
Pls can afn work in south south or Port hearcout river state
Yes it can work there as long as you have the dish point to Eutelsat 9B and Forver Server Enable receiver
Does AFN on Eutelsat 9B @ 9degree east share the same direction with DSTV?
No sir
Please is this strategy still working to track 9e, I’m planning to track it soon with my startimes 1m dish and Mediastar 2525 decoder
The strategy is already stated on this post
Please can I track Afn 9 east on 3meter dish in Ghana?
Can 1.2 metre dish track 9e in Ogun state nigeria?
Yes offcourse