A Must TV Package For Every Home
Enjoying your time of relaxation with MBC Package as one of the best free-to-air offering local and western movies for Westerners, Arabian and Indian.
About MBC Package
According to history, MBC Package otherwise known as MBC Group or “Middle East Broadcasting Center” was founded in 1991 in London and later moved to Dubai 2012 as their head-quarter. MBC Group is the first private free-to-air broadcasting company in the United Arab Emirate before the advent of Bein Media Group.
MBC Group has well developed and established that improves many people’s live entertainment, information and interactions. It features with 10 channels which includes MBC 1 (General Family Entertainment), MBC 2 and MBC Max (24-hour Westerners Movies), MBC 3 ( Children’s Entertainment), MBC 4 (Arabian Women’s Entertainment), MBC (Action Movies and Series), AL Arabiya (24-hour Arabian news language), WANASAH (24-hour Arabic Music), MBC Drama (24-hour Arabic Drama) Along side two radio channels which MBC FM and PANORAMA, both offer 24-hour music, It also available on Video On Demand (VOD) on mbc.net, alarabiya.net and shahid.net.
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Satellite, Beam, Package, Frequency, Polarization And Symbol Rate
MBC Group are receivable in almost corner of the world, Antenna dish size keep changing depends on the satellite you wish installed and you may end up not getting signal if you choose far distance satellite, so it is highly recommend to choose satellite close your region, MBC frequency, Polarization and Symbol rate as follows:
MBC Frequency On Eutelsat 7 West A At 7.3w
Frequency: 11595
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 27500
Beam: North Africa, And West Africa
Package: Free-to-air
MBC Frequency On Eutelsat 8 West B At 8w
Frequency: 11471
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 27500
Beam: South-East And East
Package: Free-to-air
MBC Frequency On Eutelsat 7B At 7e
Frequency: 12645
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 30000
Beam: Africa
Package: Azam TV
MBC Frequency On Badr 5 At 26e
Frequency: 12284
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 27500
Beam: West Africa
Package: Free-to-air
MBC Frequency On Badr 6 At 26e
Frequency: 12399
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate : 27500
Beam: MENA
Package: Encryption By MY-HD
MBC Frequency On Badr 7 At 26e
Frequency: 11270
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 27500
Beam: East MENA
Package: Free-to-air
MBC Frequency On Hotbird 13C At 13e
Frequency: 11258
Polarization: Horizontal
Symbol Rate: 27500
Beam: Wide or Global
Package: Encryption By Unknown
MBC Frequency On Amos 7 At 3.9w
Frequency: 11058
Polarization: Vertical
Symbol Rate: 13750
Package: Encryption By Yes
Alternatively, MBC channel are available on TStv Package on Intelsat 12/904 at 45e and Nagcomsat-IR at 42e. To know more more about MBC Group Package visit their official website and to get tv shows schedule update visit here.
MBC are receivable globally irrespective countries or region you may be find yourself, All what you need to do is to choose the right satellite package very close to you and use the appropriate satellite dish Antenna. Let’s take for instances, if you are from West Africa, you are advice to use 90cm dish Antenna to get MBC on Eutelsat 7 west A and 60cm dish for Badr 5. Don’t forget to share this article with your friend and across social media.